Wondering what to do near Winner Inn? Here's the curated neighborhood map especially for you. Every location within walking distance, ranging from beauty and relaxation, physical activity, monasteries & churches, meditation centers, places of interest to recommended restaurants & bars.
Highly Recommended:
1. Meditate at IMC, International Meditation Center, just 15mins walk from Winner Inn. Experience true peace and mindfulness through proper guidance in English together with other fellow meditators.
Ph: 01-535549, 09-420080612
2. Stand Up Paddle Boarding at Yangon Sailing Club, just by Inya Lake. Get a two-hour beginner course at the club built during the colonial times.
Ph: 01-535298
1 day - 10,000ks; 1 hr - 5,000ks
Closed on Mondays
3. Morning Yoga at People's Park before sunrise together with other yogis, see the sunrise brighten up the Shwedagon Pagoda and the whole Yangon.
Free of charge